Uncollectible accounts in the balance sheet
The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) sent four notices -the first one in November 2022, then in December, February and March- to ARESEP to not apply an increase in electricity tariffs linked to the Variable Generation Cost (VGC).
Fitch, the global credit risk rating agency, upgraded the long-term international credit rating of the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) and Subsidiaries by two notches, placing it at BB- with a stable outlook;
Technical teams from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) recently completed the deployment of a 16-kilometer fiber optic network that will benefit close to 400 customers in the towns of Chires -cantón de Puriscal- and
Recording of uncollectible accounts
In U.S. and Canadian broadcasting, a local marketing agreement (or local management agreement, abbreviated as an LMA) is a contract in which one company agrees to operate a radio or television station owned by another party. In essence, it is a kind of lease or time purchase agreement.
Similarly, Entravision Communications Corporation controls XHDTV-TV, a Mexico Tijuana-based station owned by Televisora Alco, which operates as an English-language station based in the San Diego term[20].
Depending on how the outsourcing arrangement is structured, as well as how the mediated station is scheduled, how the stations are consolidated and the amount of news programming that appeared on the mediated station may vary, for example:
Sinclair formed a similar arrangement in Mobile, Alabama existing between its Pensacola duopoly ABC affiliate WEAR – TV and MyNetworkTV affiliate WFGX , and the newly acquired mobile duopoly of NBC affiliate and WPMI independent station WJTC (owned by Deerfield Media). However, the stations were not consolidated, and maintained their own studio facilities, news departments and staff. Attrition and WPMI also produced competition from the 9:00 p.m. newscasts for their respective duopoly partners.[59][60][61]
Examples of uncollectible accounts
In accordance with the provisions of the AEPD certification scheme, every exam candidate must pay the official fees in relation to the exam. The registration process offers you different means to pay the fees. The payment of the fees is € 550 + VAT and includes the rights to participate in a first call and a second one in case of failure in a period of 6 months from the first call.
In accordance with Art. 22 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market:
It currently has headquarters and its own engineering team in the city of Quito, and high security data processing centers in Quito and Guayaquil, in accordance with the General Regulations to the Law on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signatures and Data Messages.
Indecopi (Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual), was included in the Trusted List of Foreign Entities (TSL), in accordance with the Regulations of the Law of Digital Signatures and Certificates.
Métodos para calcular la estimación de cuentas incobrables pdf
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