Comercial mexicana reimpresion de factura

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Solution focused on facilitating electronic accounting through the preparation, generation and uploading of the chart of accounts, general balance and accounting policies to be submitted to the Tax Administration Service.

The EDX Retail solution is a leader in this market, since the main Restaurant and Hotel chains issue their invoices through this product, where end users can obtain their Invoice through a portal or deliver it to them the instant a ticket is generated.

We have the main industries within this sector working with our EDX Emission product, which allows the generation, stamping, distribution, printing and safekeeping of digital documents ensuring their operation in a timely manner under the support of a robust infrastructure and security standards.

EDX ensures that this sector complies with its logistics processes in a timely manner and adheres to the fulfillment of its delivery commitments to its end customers, through our digital document management solutions. The world’s leading logistics companies are part of our customer portfolio.

Time webportal cfdi 8080

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The Tax Administration System better known by its acronym SAT, is an institution that is part of the Government and is responsible for individuals and companies, participate and take care of tax and customs obligations.

The SAT obliges taxpayers to pay the amount due according to their income or the invoicing level in which they are, otherwise, they will be required to make the payment and the Tax Administration System has the authority to carry out the respective processing. The taxpayer only has a period of 20 business days to discredit the imputed amount.

Cfdi finance manager

Only the first 500 CFDI will be shown for XML download and/or its printed representation in the query you make, however, you will be able to retrieve up to 2,000 XML per day and up to one million metadata records.

You will be able to retrieve copies of XML files of invoices issued and received in versions 3.0, 3.2, 3.3 and 4.0 as well as CFDI withholding and payment information. You will also be able to recover the main information of these receipts (metadata in txt file delimited by a ~).

These are the representative data of the invoice, such as the fiscal folio, RFC and name of the issuer, RFC and name of the receiver, date of issue, date of certification, PAC that certified, total, effect of the voucher, status of the voucher and, if applicable, date of cancellation.

You will be able to recover copies of the XML files of the invoices issued and received in versions 3.0, 3.2, 3.3 and 4.0 as well as the CFDIs of withholdings and payment information. You will also be able to recover the main information of these receipts (metadata in txt file delimited by a ~).

Cfdi issue manager

In accordance with the provisions of Section I of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its due publication and observance, I hereby issue this Decree at the Residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, on

In accordance with the provisions of Section I of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its due publication and observance, I hereby issue this Decree in the Residence of the Federal Executive Power, in the City of Mexico, Federal District, on the twenty-first day of the month of December of the year 2008, in the City of Mexico, Federal District, on the twenty-first day of December of the year 2008.

In accordance with the provisions of Section I of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its due publication and observance, I hereby issue this Decree in the Residence of the Federal Executive Power, in the City of Mexico, Federal District, on the second day of the month of December of the following year, in the City of Mexico, Federal District, on the second day of the month of December of the following year.

of the provisions of Section I of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its due publication and observance, I hereby issue this Decree in the Residence of the Federal Executive Power, in the City of Mexico, Federal District, on the twelfth day of the month of December, 2008.